IM Thesis Project


When — 13th of December ‘23
Where — Milan
Project — Dissertation Client — Istituto Marangoni


The Idea

“Innovation and Technologies - Brand Communication Projected onto the Future” is a thesis project that was born from the idea of analysing how today’s luxury and non-luxury brands fight to have a place in our saturated and highly competitive market place, consumed by capitalism and many brands that offer very similar products and services.

Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions
— Dave Chapelle

This quote, cited at the beginning of my thesis project, is fundamental to understand how I approached this dissertation project. The modern problem, in this case, mentioned at the beginning of my idea speech and in the introduction of my thesis project, is the saturation and the competition for a place in the market, the solution? the use of Innovative Technologies in creative branded advertising.


5 Main Chapters // digging respectfully, each one in a particular type of new advanced innovative technology, with branded case studies (mainly luxury brands) and focuses on specific topics and issues.


*Scrolling carousel of the main spreads of each chapter, starting from chapter 1, finishing with chapter 5*

Digital Scrolling

Take a step into analysing and contemplating this dissertation project on a 360° journey.




Lust for Beauty